Posted by Jim C. on October 08, 1999 at 17:18:46:
In Reply to: Re:I am a VERY happy auction purchaser! posted by Jack Smith on October 08, 1999 at 13:45:32:
Dishonesty runs throughout everything in our society. Discrediting something due to a few "rotten apples" is not fair. Are all policemen crooked because some are on the take? No!
Are all politicians crooked? Maybe!
My wife is an antiques dealer and we used to be able to go to auctions and get some good bargains. That was 20 years ago when I was 19 and a know-it-all. We have frequented many auctions recently and the "pickins' are slim"!
Everything basically sells for "book price" and there is no real profit margin. However, that is not due to any "wrongdoings" on the auctioneers part, its just that there are more fish in the pond than before and people are much more aware now a days about the value of collectibles and antiques. I am not saying that the auction world has not been infiltrated by dishonest people, I am just saying that I think there are more fair people than dishonest ones and if you keep on your toes, you won't get burned! Just my opinion!
Jim C.