Way to go Stubby and Ron (PWA arrived today)

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Posted by Chris Lube Lublin on Saturday, February 26, 2005 at 3:39PM :

My Latest PWA arrived today. Nice Work, as always Gordon. I truely enjoy it. I recognized the truck on the cover immediatly when I saw it. For those of you who have never seen it up close, Ron R's Truck Stubby is truely a site to behold, and is probably one of the nicest restored Power Giant's in Existance. I was privilidged to see it in November of 2001 in Person. Thanks Ron.....I say thanks becase for the last few years, I been telling Gordon I was going to start writing some articles for the PWA, but just never got around to it...Now seeing your story on Stubby gave me some inspiration to do it! I used to write articles for Vintage Truck (formerly This Old Truck) Magazine, but I have been outta the loop for the last 6 years.

God Bless

Chris "Lube" Lublin

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