Posted by Lyle Van Wert on Friday, February 18, 2005 at 12:05PM :
In Reply to: MY OTHER HOBBY!! WHATS YOURS??? posted by 68427vette on Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 5:05PM :
TO I GUESS. It's a huge sickness. I've got it. Obviously I'm not alone. The Power Wagons (numerous) got me into military vehicles to mention a few; well not a few, Dodge MVs, Mule, XM706 V100 Commando, Suggan (second one) Volvo L3304 recoiless rifle carrier, 2 T16s, M3 Half track, 5 ton wrecker, Unimogs, 3 404s and a 406 civvy with a Schmidt 2400 ton per hour snow cutter (blower). Then the MVs got me into tracked vehicles, M116 Husky, Weasel,M7 snow tractor then of course these got me into civvy snow crawlers; 49 Tucker 442 Snow Cat (230 flat head), 63 tucker Sno Kitten, Thyokol Snow Spryte. Then the half track got me into cannons because it came with an 81mm mortar that is converted to a black powder shooter that shoots beer cans filled with concrete (super wad cutters). Then this summer I found a Lyle Gun that just happened to be the correct bore for Coors wad cutters. So now I can't get enough Cannons. I have so far refrained from automatic weapons because an mv friend and partner is a class III guy so I can go shoot and get it out of my system. (Tom I just ran accross a 1919A4) Anvils & Woodstoves? I started collecting Safes. 6500 pounds on down. Huge collection of Lionel & American Flyer trains. Then of course came RR stuff. Need a full sized switch? Then I got a speeder gas car & run that. I collected guns, tractors, unusual tractors, still have some. Gun & bow hunt ice fish and spear norhtern pike through the ice. There's more but I will stop here my wife wants the computor.
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