Posted by chris case on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 9:04PM :
In Reply to: OT: Floor Jack Repair, Craftsman 3.5 ton posted by Will (in MI) on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 7:59PM :
A bottle jack (upright hydraulic jack) has a plug in the side of the 'bottle', the vertical body, which is the reservoir. Floor jacks have a similar 'tank', but it is laid on it's side. Look for the plug, top side of 'tank'. It may be rubber, pull it by prying underneath. Or it may fill through the pump body on the 'back' of the jack, try the highest pipe plug.
As an aside, bottle jacks can be used on their side to push things apart- just keep the 'pump' side down so it won't starve for oil.
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