Posted by Arthur P Bloom on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 10:32PM :
In Reply to: OT locust trees posted by RICHARD BOWMAN on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 9:29PM :
On Long Island, they are considered an invasive species, having been brought from China in the 18th century.
We have black and yellow locust. They are unique plants in the tree world, as they are actually members of the legume family. They are related to lima beans, etc., and unlike other trees that take nitrogen out of the soil, they replenish it. Their seed pods look like little lima bean pods. Grass will grow thick and deep under one of them, while under a maple, say, the grass won't have a chance.
We love our locusts not only because of their lawn-enhancing qualities, but also because their leaves are very small, and in the fall, just wither up and blow away. No raking!
Most of the old houses here use them for structural support posts. They last hundreds of years. They will not rot, unless left lying on the ground, and that takes years. The only place that a post will rot is at the intersection of the post and the earth. That's where the microbes will get a meal.
Farmers would cut them 7 feet long, bury them to a depth of 3 feet, to make a 4 foot post, and 50 years later, pull them out and reverse them. There would only be a small ring of rot at the point of soil contact. There are some on my property that are 70 years old. My Mom who is 81, remembers her Grandfather putting them in the ground.
It burns slowly and hot, with hardly any ash. Its bark resembles cork, and makes great kindling. I have cut some up that had over 60 rings, which is young for those trees. I only burn the ones that fall in hurricanes. With 12 acres of woods, there's always enough on the ground to use for heat.
Cutting it after it has seasoned is like cutting cast iron. A chainsaw blade will dull after a tankful of gas. You can see sparks when cutting it in the daytime.
If you have some that are rotting, or dying, that is probably a disease, or we are talking about a different species completely.
Sorry for the long-winded story, but they are my favorite species, after cats, dogs, Power Wagons and some people.