Posted by Gordon on Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 3:46AM :
In Reply to: Re: I finally got the engine unstuck!! posted by Kaegi on Friday, January 21, 2005 at 9:08PM :
You have the plugs out already, so make sure to spin it on the starter and see that you have oil pressure on the guage before trying to start it.
If you have pressure, just try to fire it up. It may well start on just a couple of cylinders as up to three cylinders may have sticking valves from sitting. If you can get it to run well enough to idle and it has oil pressure, just let it idle long enough to get the engine up to operating temperature and let it sit there. By the time you have done this two or three times the stuck valves will probably have decided to join in again, just don't over-rev the poor thing trying to free them off.
I'm assuming that you have cleaned the entire fuel line and maybe replaced the flexible hoses too ? The line gets very dirty sitting and the hoses dry out a crack internally, which then gives you endless grief till you clean the line.
Oh, and use a non-detergent motor oil as the detergent stuff frees up muck and washes it into the oil passageways. For the first couple of runs you can just drain the original oil, discard the gunge, and put it back in keeping the old filter.