Posted by Brian A. on Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 11:14AM :
In Reply to: Re: M-101 trailer posted by Keith on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 5:21PM :
Don't know about fitting Power Wagon/M37 brakes onto the M101/116 chassis but do have a bit of information to clarify some things. Surge brakes operate with a two piece hitch on the trailer, connected so that one piece slides past the other. When the tow vehicle slows down, or backs up, the inertia of the trailer causes the sliding part of the hitch to move and apply pressure to the master cylinder and thus apply the brakes. There is no electrical connection required for the brakes. As for being able to use the hand brakes in addition to the surge, of course you would be able to if you used an M37 brake setup. Just think about how the parking brake works on your Power Wagon/M37, the same system could be applied to hydraulic trailer brakes. If you figure out how to adapt Power Wagon/M37 brakes to your trailer let us know, it would be interesting to see/read.
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