Differences in E-brake handles

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Posted by Dan Shockley on Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 11:17PM :

I think that I know the answer to my own question, but before I try to locate the correct handle I thought that I would double check. The mounting holes for the e-brake handle on a non-syncro truck are closer together than the holes for a syncro truck, right? I have a lever with a truck I am trying to put together and the holes don't line up. The truck is a 60 and the holes in the e-brake mounting braket are closer together than the corresponding holes in the transmission and shift lever bracket. Does anyone want to trade the earlier lever for a later one? Does anyone have a later one that they would want to sell? I also need the space for the bottom bolt.

Is there a difference in the e-brake linkage as well. I think that the linkage that I have is for an early truck as well.

Thanks for your help,

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