Crash truck photos

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Posted by CGarbee on Monday, December 20, 2004 at 3:26PM :

I just got an email from a gentleman in Massachusetts who works with the procurement of vehicles. Seems that he managed to get a bunch of M37 brush trucks from New Hampshire (which is phasing them out) for use by his folks in Massachusetts. The really exciting bit is that one of the trucks is the rare USMC MB2 version. The department that received it plans to restore it.

With all the excitement of finding a MB2, I still managed to notice that I had some USAF R2 photos that I have never gotten around to posting, so I did an update with them as well.

Photos of Geoff's fire trucks in Massachusetts along with some more of Mike Feather's and Chuck Barnett's R2 crash trucks are located at:


PS: Geoff says that the fire department needs doors for the MB2 (folding type like you used to see on Divco milk trucks and others, not the "normal" M37 style doors) so if you know of any in your area, let us know...

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