Posted by Stephanie on September 10, 1999 at 14:48:06:
In Reply to: re. Zone-Wars, the green revenge posted by Cris in Colorado on September 10, 1999 at 11:03:53:
Okay. It's me again. I have a great uncle who has quite a few old, old military style trucks in his backyard. It seems that he collects them. He does not, however, restore them, so over the past 20 years, these 20-25 odd trucks have been rusting away in the back yard. About 5 years ago, some cranky neighbor decided that she's had just about enough of looking at the decaying relics, and she contacted the local borough. They in turn, told my great-uncle that he either had to get rid of 'em, or conceal them behind some enclosure. So, good ol' Uncle Jack build himself a fence that blocked the view of the trucks from the road AND from the cranky neighbors house. Problem solved? Not quite. As he continued to collect his life sized toys, his collection soon outgrew the container, and his trucks have begun to migrate toward the house. I just hope that cranky old neighbor doesn't decide to get on the horn again. My uncle's got a hobby, why can't she get one?