Posted by Joe Cimoch on September 08, 1999 at 20:20:47:
The old Power Wagon Forums are now available on CD!
I've installed a CD writer, and now have the ability to copy all the forums onto something that is fast and easy to read.
Along with the forums, I have included most of the pages from this site, and pictures that I have received.
The CD has about 120 Mb of info on it. I included a shareware version of ACDSee to view the pics with too.
As far as the forums go, just so I'm completely honest:
#1 - OK
#2 - Missing messages
#3 - OK
#4 - Digest.txt OK (the digest is all the messages in a txt file, in numerical order)index is bad, 816 messages OK
#5 - OK
#6 - Index bad, 450 messages
#7 through #15 OK, all with digest
Cost is $15.00, that includes the shipping. Your donation will help to pay for this site, and is greatly appreciated.
Send a check or money order to:
Joe Cimoch
13 Beacon Road
Webster, MA 01570
And if you have any suggestions for additional items to put on the CD, let me know. I have about 500 Mb to spare.
Thanks to George Farrier for this great idea!