Posted by scott on September 08, 1999 at 17:47:20:
In Reply to: Zone Wars Thank You Scott. posted by Bill Ward on September 07, 1999 at 12:11:08:
Neighbors, can be such a pain in the *#@ etc...
well here's how you play their game, Sat and sun mornings at say 7:00 am fire up the old chain saw, weed wacker, noise ordances are all the same 7:00am to 9:00 pm, after a few weeks think of the possibilities! if they have small kids 7:00pm is kids bed time, so at 8:30 make sure you need some fire wood, every nite!
hate to say it but some time you have to fight fire wit fire,and maybe people will keep their opinions about your yard to themselves, if you have a place to put your trucks besides your frount yard I would suggest moving them to a less obtainable spot, like the back yard, and blue tarp it!!
The above may seem extream but some times you got'a do whatyou got'a do!!!
good luck!!