Posted by Paul on September 08, 1999 at 16:34:27:
I plan on causing some major headaches for the local zoning lords. I have been unable to find the law that I am supposed to be in violation of. Neither can my attorney. I'm going to contact the sherrifs department and get a specific law number.
However, I think that myself and my neighbors are just pawns in poltical maneuvering. If this is in fact the case, I would like the help of everybody who reads this. I would like some letters written.
Granted, letters to the editor of our local paper are usually a joke. However, I will be getting the addresses of the local chanber of commerce and the local Convention and Visitors Bureau. What I would like everybody to do, especially if they are in an organization, is write to these two entities and tell them that Evansville seems like a very nice place, but that you will be taking convention business elsewhere.
I will also have an address for the local Mayors office and the County Council. Please, if I post these and you wish to write, be civil. I've had to tolerate a foul mouthed inspector and would like to be above that. It will make my case stronger where I intend for it to count. In the public forums. I will post this as soon as possible as I wish to capitalise on the upcoming election this November.
Keep an eye out for further details.
Thanks, Paul Markham, Evansville Indiana