Bjorn's fording tests and videos

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Posted by CGarbee on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 1:14PM :

In Reply to: M35 Snorkel kit posted by Paul S. Schmidt From PA on Monday, November 29, 2004 at 8:53PM :

Bjorn Brandstedt (who wrote the article in MV Magazine about fording M35's), dug a 40-foot by 15-foot long trench in his backyard last fall. The basin was about 5 to 6 feet deep after ramping down into it. Fording tests worked well although the cap on his hydraulic tank was loose (for the Hiab crane), so he did contaminate a lot of fluid in a nonessential system. Took a lot of work to prepare the truck and to go through it after it was all done. His next article for MV Magazine detailing the experiment is in the works. He has photos on Imageevent showing the fording tests, and a lengthy video is on the tired-iron site. If you watch the video, you will get to see Bjorn chain up his deuce so he can get it out of the mud at the end of the fording pit and a view of his son Adrian’s M37 parked next to the shop.

I personally love the fountain of water spraying out the side where the engine side skirt is removed when the fan hits the water…

Bjorn’s still photos of the fording exercise are at:

Bjorn’s fording video is at:

Factory “eager beaver “ deuce fording video (truck completely submerged…)

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