Posted by JimmieD on Thursday, November 25, 2004 at 1:37AM :
In Reply to: E-Brake Help, 1950 B2 PW posted by J-Gilly on Thursday, November 25, 2004 at 0:33AM :
Just my opinion, JG, but I can't imagine you did any lasting damage. This is a Power Wagon afterall...
It would take more than a few minutes to do any real damage I think. You might want to give a sniff test to the T-case lube, see if it smells burned, but other than that it shouldn't be a problem.
The output shaft is pretty stout, and it somewhat runs in oil which would help cool the metal even if the brake-drum was very hot.
The only real damage to the shaft from overheating is to rapidly [read that instantly] quench it in cold fluid, as oil or water. That would change the temper in the steel, but gradual heat up and back down won't hurt it. Now, it might warp the old brake drum, but that's easy to check.
Years back it was not at all unusual to see red hot brake drums on race cars, and next race you use the same old drums, just new frictions to slow her down! It didn't effect the spindles much.
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