Posted by Paul (in NY) on Friday, November 19, 2004 at 7:48PM :
In Reply to: Re: Horse Tonic ha ha posted by Keith in Washington on Friday, November 19, 2004 at 7:41PM :
Maple cream is Pure Maple Syrup that is boiled to 228 degrees above the boiling point of water at that given time, determined by barometer. It can not be aggitated in any way or sugar crystals will form. It is cooled quickly to about 80 degrees and then constantly stirred until the color changes to a straw look. The result is Pure Maple Cream with a texture like Peanut Butter. Its used to spread on hot Rolls, English Muffins, and give my dogs their pills when needd. It can also be eaten with a spoon for a quick sugar high. We do not make cream to sell, just for our own use, same as Maple Candy. All the Maple Items are Pure Maple just boiled to higher temps.
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