Posted by RDavis on Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 7:22PM :
In Reply to: 57 chevy vs hot rod vs powerwagon posted by mannyc on Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 12:08PM :
Personally, I just get so dang vexed by those that harp on the money value,profit, and resell worth of a restored PW. The PW lifestyle doesn't have to be so centered on worth and profit and in my opinion would be more enjoyable if we could just drop the resell worth and even the restored retoric.
It would not bother me in the least if anyone ever restored a PW to mint condition for the sake of show or profit.
I guess I'm just the desenter on the subject of PWs and money. Jus, out in the open work enviroment where their best suited for.
Theres nothing wrong with doing enough work on them to put them in good working order, and a new looking completely restored PW does LOOK nice but is not necessary for work.
You know the drill guys, yadi yadi ya, look its just my opinion but if you guys can vex some by talking about money and PWs
then I can and must voice my desent. It will probably never change anything but hey, it gives me a chance to vent!