How hot is HOT (Rear differential)

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Posted by Dave in Plano, TX on Sunday, October 03, 2004 at 2:38PM :

Ok guys.

Finally got my 1941 WC-12 on the road. Been taking it here and there on short trips around town, working out the bugs and just finding any of the small issues that come up.

I just took it for an approx 10 mile round trip.

When I got home, I decided to do a check on all the hubs and other parts. All the hubs/brakes were cool. Good there.

I crawled underneath and the rear axle was pretty hot.

How hot? Well not hot enough to burn. I could hold my hand on the pumpkin with out feeling too much pain so as having to remove it. but it was uncomfortable temperature wise for bare skin.

Also, the breather cap/valve at the top was leaking too.

So, is it TOO HOT? Or should I not worry?

I replaced all the old oil when I first got the truck, but everything at the time looked good inside, so I just cleaned it out real good and flushed out everything. Added new 90 weight and thats about it.

Ya think that the rear is shot or is it OK?

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