Posted by MoparNorm on Friday, September 17, 2004 at 11:23PM :
In Reply to: Trailer Winch posted by Tim Holloway on Friday, September 17, 2004 at 1:22PM :
Just about every vehicle (all Jeeps and Dodges) sold with a trailer package since 1986 has the 7 pin Bargman Plug, One of the 7 pins is a direct hot from the tow vehical battery, specifically to run things like a small trailer winch (you'll need to insert a circuit breaker in that loop). For under $20 you can wire your trailer properly, have universal towing capabilities and use your tow vehicle battery to do this task and not waste money on chargers and an additional battery that will sit most of the time. The 7 pin also controls electric brakes on a separate wire.
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