Posted by Frank USMC on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 7:19PM :
In Reply to: USMC Power Wagon Need Info... posted by Jackson Reimund on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 7:01PM :
First, what year is this Power Wagon?
Second, after WWII, the Marines were offered and took alot of Army rolling stock, so the Internationals could be phased out. This would put the armed services on the same sheet of music for parts. During the Korean war, the Marines would drive the M5H-6 till she fell apart. They knew if they turned her in for work, they would recieve a CCKW (GMC 6x6). What I am getting at is , was this truck around while the Marines had M-2-4s?
I have two sets of locking hubs that were taken off 2 Power Wagons at Camp Lejeune when they were turned in. I will ask the Marine what kind of bed these Power Wagons had.
No matter what the out come, Thanks for saving our history.
Not as lean, not as mean, but still a Marine. Frank
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