Posted by steve on Saturday, August 14, 2004 at 11:36AM :
Having a common name of steve I remember one being one of 6 steves in my 6th grade class.I will start going by stephen so poeple will know wich steve is me.I am the steve with the primer grey 76 with flames on the front end who brought his springer spanial to the hollister rally and brought his son Caleb.Caleb will be inheriting my 76 powerwagon so I will have to start on the process of getting my 75 powerwagon roadworthy.I got my regerstration in the mail yesterday and i do not need to get my 75 powerwagon smogged(I almost did cartwheels on the front lawn when i saw that)Anyway i will stick to powerwagons mogs and pinzs are not my cup of tea. stephen
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