Damn right it is!

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Posted by Tim Holloway on Thursday, August 12, 2004 at 3:02PM :

In Reply to: Isn't that the state that.... posted by MoparNorm on Thursday, August 12, 2004 at 2:32PM :

"...elected the Dr. Dean as governor? ...= )
Don't squirm so much, you should be proud to be a liberal.
It was Twain, and he said, "figures lie, and liars figure", however I don't see what that has to do with data, unless you start twisting the data to fit your beliefs, as in the spin from the left that is a 50/50 country. The map belies the truth and I figured some would whine about it. = )
MN "
First, Yes we did elect Howard Deanhim and I am proud to say I voted for him at every opportunity, and would have voted for him for President. I have met him personally and he is a fine man. That is neither here nor there though. I dont think I am squirming, and I have never tried to hide the fact that I am a Liberal Democrat. I always raise to your bait and defend my side of the story, albeit reluctantly as I still feel it is not the proper venue to be hashing this out. You find the spin to present your case the way you want to see it, others find the spin to make their case. As I said before, just because it is in print doesent make it so. I am hereby officially done with this thread, go ahead and get the last shot in. Anyone want to talk about Power Wagons or something?

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