NON PW for sale, looking for something too...

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Posted by Bryan on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 at 10:11PM :

Well I am putting my Pinzgauer on the block. I bought one from Judd awhile back and now this is my second. It is basically a perfect truck. It has 5500 miles. I want to find a Land Rover 109. I recognize this is a PW forum. :) I haven't been able to find one and was hoping maybe you guys had other interests besides the old Dodge's. By the way Judd, the M35 runs like a champ and is doing well. I bought the lockouts from M35 products or whatever and they are great too. Wish i had put them on in TX...AND for what it's worth the dog that I was forced into adopting in TX is great as well despite the fact that he eats 10-12 lbs. of dog food a DAY!!

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