Michelin XLs 9.00x16 $85 ea Edm, Alberta

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Posted by Dan McC on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 5:19PM :

I have 6 Michelin XLs Good tread on 4 not so good on other 2 (good for spares?). Some bead damage on two of them. Don't know if it really matters when using a tube. I'd like to get $500cdn for the set of 6. I need some parts for my WC52 that would be given priority over cash. I need a combat wheel, headlight guards, and a p.t.o shaft. Tires are about 45min NE of Edmonton. Near Redwater. I just phoned dollar tire in Edmonton, their prices are starting at $225 ea! The wheel that one of the tires is mounted on is a 6 bolt off of an ML, don't know if anyone can use it.

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