Posted by Chris Lube Lublin on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 12:47PM :
In Reply to: OT - Price of scrap metal posted by jack cain on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 9:44AM :
Remember the scrap metal hike back around Feburary? Well, its supposed to go up EVEN HIGHER than that within the next 2 months. It went down for a few months because the scrap yards were buying scrap quicker than the foundries could process it. Now that the foundries have caught up, the demand is back up and thus price is going to skyrocket. The best bet to sell scrap right now is not to go to your local scrap yard to sell, but find a broker and sell right to the broker. The broker will pay almost twice as much as a scrap yard will. Expect the price of everything metal to skyrocket here in the next several months.