Posted by Nick.. on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 2:37PM :
In Reply to: Relax Nick! posted by Judd on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 12:10PM :
I realize its a joke, however, you must realize that this can be a detriment to our hobby. Just look how much harm the "Red Neck" image has been to honest law abiding gun owners! Yes, the picture was a joke, but there are some out there who might see it and think that is what a military vehicle owner must live like. There are many "narrow minded" folks out there, and you'd be surprise how little it takes to form a stereotype to some people.
I do not mean to belittle or ridicule anyone, and yes you are free to do with your property as you please, however when you're property is in such disrepair as to be a catalyst in the downfall of surrounding property values, then I have a problem with that. It happened in my old neighborhood. We had a guy across the street, who although friendly to his neighbors, had a veritible junk yard of old car hulks, piles of wood, and other rubbish strewn about his property. When it came time to sell my home and move to a bigger home, his was the main reason my house took a while to sell. The realtor told us up front that his house was an eyesore that any potential buyer was sure to see and consider. Luckily we found a buyer who didn't seem to mind, but had Fred Sanford not been there, I could have moved quite a bit sooner.
I just think if I can keep a nice yard, then so can others, and pictures like the one here are really not funny to the man who has to live next to it. I apologise if I hit a nerve with any one individual as that was not my intention.
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