Posted by Paul Cook on Sunday, July 18, 2004 at 6:52PM :
In Reply to: M-37 IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS posted by JOHN on Saturday, July 17, 2004 at 12:48PM :
Your question is a common one that has been asked many times. After answering it frequently on the Forums, I included it in the Technical Support section of my web site.
You are three clicks away from the answer. Click on the link at the bottom of this post to go to the Kempner POWER WAGON Museum web site main page. Then scroll down and click on the Technical Support button. Then, scroll down and click on your question.
Before you leave, check the rest of the Museum site for answers to other questions that you may think of. Mine is one of many additional web sites available to help you.
The markings you have found might not be the last ones for your truck - just the ones that were applied well and have lasted.
During the last periods your M-37 would have seen active service, combat divisions had only three brigades. That means the Fourth Brigade was a separate brigade. Try to discern the “next higher” command. That would be in a line just to the left of “4 BDE” – left as you face the vehicle. The other marking indicates your truck was the 59th vehicle in the marching order of the BDE Headquarters element. That is a very large headquarters.
Is your M-37 set up for a commo hut - 100 AMP generator and electrical connectors in the face of the bed front panel?