Posted by MoparNorm on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 9:00AM :
In Reply to: Re: Strange saga of a WC fender posted by Tim Holloway on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 7:06AM :
That is a rather harsh and reactionary jump to judgement. Have you no compassion for the guy in the Subaru? He was on his way to a Kerry Edwards rally, eating tofu with the window down. He was speeding up to read the political bumper sticker on the car in front of him, when his, "I love Michael Moore" poster blew across his windshield. Please don't be so quick to blame him, if he had swerved right to avoid causing an accident he might have hit that baby duck sitting at the roaside, so he had to swerve left and innocently caused the chain reaction.
At this trying time he needs your love, compassion and money, not the harsh judgement that you right wingers quickly want to render, can't we all just get along?
Now tell me Tim, didn't you didn't smile just a little bit? = )
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