Posted by Paul Cook on Sunday, July 04, 2004 at 3:54PM :
When I click on the "Enter the Forum" link on the "" main page, I sometimes get the "page not found" error message. Sometimes I get Forum 143. Obviously, I'm on Forum 143, but the last message at the top is Big Electric Crew - Monkey Man 3:18AM 07/02/2004 . I sincerely believe there has been activity on Forum 143 since then. I can bring up every other link at ""
My computer has been besieged with adware. I have manually deleted some of my temp files including cookies.
The problem seems to be in my computer. I have tried all the first level corrections. Do any of you with second (or higher) level expertise have any suggentions?
The computer clock and calendar show July 4, 2:55 PM.
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