Ignition problems

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Posted by Shawn S on Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 9:20PM :

Gentelmen, I am putting my motor back into my truck and I am having problems with my electrical system. I am sure it is operator error but I am hopping you guys can help. With the ignition key on I am getting power to both sides of my coil. The positive side I believe should have power but the negative side is grounded to the destributor and it has power going threw it for some reason. The positive side of the coil is connected to one side of the resistor and the other side is atached to voltage regulator, and the other side of the voltage regulator is connected to the generat or (12 volt system). I am wanting to know what I am doing wrong or if my coil is just bad. I was using it on my old motor and it worked just fine. The motor that I now have ran right before we pulled it and that coil is doing the same things. Does anyone have any ideas? If someone can post a wiring diagram for me to compare to I would appreciate it.

Shawn S

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