Posted by Judd on Friday, June 18, 2004 at 2:57PM :
No parts to sell this year and no Dodge to drive as well!
So we brought the “War Wagon” to play in. I knew most everyone would enjoy looking over the truck and we really didn’t need to participate in the parade, sometimes it’s more fun just to watch.
The boys had a blast as usual, Jesse we couldn’t keep out of the mud, we would tell him to stay away and pretty soon there he’d be standing knee deep in it with 5 other little boys wondering if they too could get away with getting filthy dirty like him.
This was Logans first PW rally out of the womb and he too had a blast crawling around on the trucks and getting dirty, on one trail ride it started pouring rain on the way to the trail, Carol was holding Logan with Hunter and Jesse between use and the rain was coming in over the windshield and under the windshield rain was dripping off Logan toes and his nose and there he was sound ASLEEP! We had a good time at the Adams farm on the trailrides except for one glandular deficient Texan that kept making an ASS of himself by trying to get everyone into an open topped Ramcharger and having it POUR rain on everyone he talked into coming! Right John?
Jill has the PPE looking super and really gave it a work out on the trails. She would have got the teater totter except for that damn dog in the back ruined it for her, Hey Jill you get that dog fixed yet? I think I saw him marking his territory on the PPE tires. I think Jon (Jills lacky and sometimes mechanic/boyfriend) felt a little overwhelmed by Jills super stardom and superior trailriding ability) So he went out and bent his wheel so he would have an excuse for her showing him up?
Pauls new carryall built from the ground up was a wonder in mechanics and vision, my hats off to him and Tam for the sticktoitness it took to bring that dream to reality and I can’t wait to see the next project.
Jills grill and Tims Ujoints miraculously showed up at the rally and I didn’t even get beat up to my good fortune.
Dana, and his bodyguards Big Schwead and Pauly were in attendance again this year man what a great bunch of guys! Too bad they had to hang around Dana!
T-roy finally brought the truck he “STOLE” from me to the rally and it looked great! Good work Troy!
Bubba and the boys came to my rescue with some Bubba wrenches when I needed to fix the front winch cable on the War Wagon so thanks guys your princes in my book no matter what Dave says about you!
I finally got the recognition I deserved this year at the Banquet! Due to a backfired prank I received the “Agitator “ Award and I believe it was the finest award I have ever received or deserved, thanks to Dave and Bob Decker for the thought and work that went into the making of the award!
I enjoyed getting to place some names with faces from the forum when I wasn’t out chasing the boys around the mud puddles. As usual the BS around the trucks was the finest to be found.
One of my fondest memories this year was watching Butch SPANK the younger guys down at the Kerr farm when Bruce the goose had to take five of six shots at a certain hill and almost lay it on it’s side and Jason had to be winched up with a broken hub and Mark stuck, along comes the OLD MAN with a flathead under the hood dumps the clutch and walks up the crossing like it was Grandma’s driveway!!! Way to go Butch!
That’s about it, It was great to see old friend and meet new ones!
Stay tuned folks! I have one of the best builders in the country building a secret project for me that’s gonna knock your socks off! No clues as to what it is, lets just says No one has seen anything like it and it’ll fit me and my family to a “T”
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