Posted by John Foster on Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 11:16PM :
I just wanted to take the time to thank some people for making my rally experience so great. First to Judd for picking up a truck for me and to Carol for driving it over to the ralley. You both are wonderful people. Carol is better looking. To Paul Cook for hauling his 42' trailer 4 hours to me and taking it back home and letting me pull it 1500 miles. You are a true friend and teacher of wisdom. To the Sawyers all I can say is it is ALWAYS fun with you guys and which ever one loaned me the snatch block, Thank you. {never can keep them two straight}. To Dave Butler and all of the Vintage crew I say thanks for all of the hard work and for giving us a great time again. As always Gordon did a great job. Calvin you are an inspiration and no rally would be complete without you. You are super. George from Houston, You are great to talk to and I look forward to More rallies with you. New friends Paul in New York thanks for the maple lesson and congrats on your award. You deserved it.{I was really pulling for you} And to Tammy you really made the week fun. You both are great people to be around and I can't wait until next year. Dwight, pop, and mom from SC, we really enjoyed meeting ya'll and look forward to seeing you again. Maybe ya'll will come to Pat and Wanda's. Thanks for the trail ride/shower in the ram charger. Always nice to talk to Dennis Sherman, what a great guy. Enjoyed meeting Todd from NC and Clint Dixon two great people to meet. Jill made the PPE look much better than it's former owner. She would have got it balanced the first time without the goober in the back. Glad to see Jerry from Dallas again. He is a Pat and Wanda groupie. Enjoyed meeting Marty and was dissapointed to find a brake booster in my truck. Thought I had slipped away without him knowing. Bruce in FL, I want to go muddin next time. Good to see you again. To Dana and his wrecking crew it was good to see ya'll again. Hope to see you in September. I know I have forgotten many as I have a short memory and am bad with names. I also only got two hours sleep before driving 750 miles home. So for every one else there I say Thanks for the great time and look forward to next year. John Foster
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