Posted by MoparNorm on Tuesday, June 08, 2004 at 9:51AM :
In Reply to: your full of it posted by clinton rules on Tuesday, June 08, 2004 at 9:02AM :
...I've been accused on this forum of being too optimistic, you must have missed those posts! I only say negative things about negative people or people who try to tear down America. That is what made President Reagan so great, he was always optimistic about America and never gave up on us. You apparently are still too scared to print your name, or to completely read my replies or you would know that I was a liberal democrat for many years, Reagan showed me the light, so there is still hope for you to mend your ignorant ways. = )
Clintons personal life was America's business when it happenned in the Oval Office and he lied to us about it. You have selective memory. Hey, since you are afraid to print your name, this Hilary???
You haven't gotten under my skin, except I'm upset that you would use the occasion of a great mans' death to come and spout your ignorance here. You exhibit little class in doing that, and discredit your position. I'd ignore you but every time time I reply I get to post President Reagans photo again! ha!ha!