Posted by MoparNorm on Monday, June 07, 2004 at 5:38PM :
In Reply to: Re: Pres. Carter . . . posted by Harry on Monday, June 07, 2004 at 2:09PM :
Carter was a decent human, a pathetic President. He felt that American was ungovernable, he wanted the Presidentcy to be one 6 year term. He was poorly suited to be President, he led us into near surrender with the Soviets. During his term, the Soviet Union gained a foothold in Afganistan, Nicuraugua, Chile, home mortgages were 21%, we had gasoline shortages, lines, even and odd days for buying fuel, hostages in Iran, we were told that we were no longer a world power and to get used to it. We were told to buy a sweater rather than to explore for heating oil. Carter was so confused by America, and so consumed by quilt because he thought America was evil, that he could not rule America. And for the record he did not get elected because he was decent, he came after Ford, not Nixon. Carter got elected because America had foggotten who we were.
President Reagan reminded us. Reagan changed the world, carter and clinton will be pathetic footnotes in history. You can try to revise history all you want, but too many thinking folks here know the truth.
God Bless Ronald Reagan.