Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready
[Follow Ups] [Post Followup] [Dodge Power Wagon Forum]
Posted by Paul(in NY) on Friday, June 04, 2004 at 5:52PM :

We are leaving on Sunday Morning. We will monitor on 2 meter 146.52 simplex and CB 19, if you see us give a hollar. After Saturday evening all email will be sent to cyber space. Otherwise my mail box will be full of perverts, snake oil salesman etc. I will turn it back on when we get home. Every one be safe, have a safe trip
Follow Ups:
- Have Safe Trip - Will (in MI) 8:38PM 06/05/2004
- Re: Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready - MoparNorm 10:00AM 06/05/2004
- Re: Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready - Tim Holloway 7:44AM 06/05/2004
- Tim - Paul(in NY) 7:50AM 06/05/2004
- Re: Tim - Tim Holloway 8:05AM 06/05/2004
- Re: And the question is..... - Gary (IA) 1:01AM 06/05/2004
- Re: Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready - Bob Cocivi 10:14PM 06/04/2004
- Re: Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready - Tom J. 7:15PM 06/04/2004
- Re: Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready - Willy-N 7:00PM 06/04/2004
- Re: Loaded, Chained Down, Rally Ready - Vintage Power Wagons 6:33PM 06/04/2004
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