Posted by jim veen on July 20, 1999 at 20:08:13:
i bought a 49 b-1 p/w that is missing the voltage regulator and ign.switch.the wiring is all original and never is my problem--four wires to voltage reg.--one is field and one is armiture from generator.that leaves two--one for battery and then i have one left for what?now to the ign switch--3 wires--one has to be from coil--maybe one to amp gauge?whats left?.i bought a napa on-off key switch with no accessory provision.on the back it says coil and amp.i thought this would be the correct type switch as the truck has the foot starter.i am a real dummy when it comes to electrical stuff and don't want to fry the new regulator.thank you for you help in advance!