1999 Rocky Mt. Power Wagon Rendezvous

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Posted by Powwag on July 19, 1999 at 08:28:25:

We have just heard eminating from the teepee the first verses of the four week long chant calling forth all members of the Lost Tribe of the Dodge Logo Bolt, to gather and celebrate in Ouray, Colorado. The Power Wow will be held August 16th to August 20th, and four weeks from this very morning we will be heading off on a rocky journey into the high clouds of the San Juans, to get closer to the Great Spirits and to refresh our weary souls. Members wanting more information can send a E-singal to Powwag. He he will respond by E-singal or on the back of the Ponderous Snail, so light the snail path to your doorway in your signal to him. May Grease be with you.


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