Posted by Jack Smith on July 29, 1999 at 01:49:51:
In Reply to: Important - Access to the next forum posted by Joe Cimoch on July 28, 1999 at 11:43:12:
While I have been no stranger to warm debates myself, I agree that attacks like the most recent are disruptive, especially if you own the site. I won't use extortion on you and refuse to participate if you go to a password, but I would hope you change your mind. I think it's a sensitive area because big brother is constantly trying to throttle down our whole world. So far, the net is a chaotic world, one which the real world police can't seem to get ahold of. That's what makes it so valuable and different. Think about it...the last bastion of total anarchy and freedom! LOL! Folks react to a password like it will be a look over the more seat belt know the feeling! You do what you feel is necessary, and I'll try to conform. Remember a saying that the Chinese are known for: If one sits by the river long enough, the bodies of one's enemies always come floating by. THis grand experiment in mass communications has no previous parallel in human history. I would hope to see it flourish and remain free. BTW, we seem to be up to our bellybuttons in Jacks these days! ROFL!