Posted by Lucian Drumond on Thursday, May 20, 2004 at 10:30AM :
In Reply to: Re: Wanna do something about the price of gas? posted by Mike W. on Thursday, May 20, 2004 at 9:11AM :
Using a detroite diesel/gen in the navy aviation one fine day.It was very always surged. One day it starts to run away,we run over pull the "E" handle shuts off fuel and air. It's working then a pop, engine starts to wind up slowly but surely. It winds up, never have heard anything like it. When it let go it cut the generator trailler in half. Engine was so worn when we pulled the E handle it started to burn by pass oil from rings valves seals etc. The pop we heard was the blower intake seals imploding so the monster could breathe. After that day i had a whole new respect for that detroit diesel.Your last line from your post reminded me of this.