Posted by David Sheman on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 9:53AM :
In Reply to: Diesel Fuels posted by Sully on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 6:10AM :
This may only be folklore, but I've usually heard that older fuel pumps and injectors require the sulfur for lubricity and will wear rapidly when run on low-sulfur fuel. Around here, "off-road" diesel is often called "high-sulfur" diesel. Modern engines have no problem with with low-sulphur fuel. I do not know where the dividing line is, though. I assume my 1954 caterpillar and 1965 J.D. tractor are in the "old" category. I would also assume a military multifuel would not be relying on the lubricity of the fuel since it can burn gasoline which has basically no lubricity.
One thing that doesn't make sense is that as far as I can tell #2 off-road diesel and #2 furnace oil are the same product. It makes sense to reduce the sulphur in the furnace oil since it doesn't do any good and it not only pollutes the air but eats the mortar in the chimney and corrodes stovepipes. However, if they do this, I don't know how they'll still be able to sell a separate "high-sulphur" off-road diesel product.
I thought the new EPA regs dealt only with highway diesel, but I guess not. As far as taxing off-road diesel, that's new to me too, though of course it already has state sales tax on it.