Posted by MoparNorm on Thursday, May 06, 2004 at 12:21PM :
In Reply to: Chain Tighteners posted by Keith in Washington on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 at 12:32PM :
I've posted before in reference to this subject, with no reaction, so here it is again; Friends don't let friends use chains! What a terrible thing to do to your truck(s). Chains are for logs and catapillars. A good quality USA Made 3" wide ratcket strap will hold 90,000+ lbs per each strap (180,000 lbs at each end). One strap at each corner with a quality ratcket will hold that truck just fine and very snuggly. In a 55 to 0 collision stop, your truck weight will multiply by a factor of 12. Will your chain and binder hold 70,000 lbs plus?
During normal driving the vibration of the chains will mess with the brake lines, the paint finish and gouge any metal that it comes into contact with.
If you must use chains, get them as tight as you can, load your truck with only 10 lbs of air in your tires, then after tightening the chains, air up to normal air pressure, that will tighten your chains.
I've been using quality straps for 20 years for hauls as long as 2,000 miles and never had a strap come loose. I have however, had several chains vibrate off of their binders. All it takes is one hidden twist in the chain somewhere to creat a slack condition. Leave the chains to Doug Higgins and other professional riggers. It is more important to have your tow trailer in good working order, lights, tires, brakes and bearings. ( and fenders for Marty!)
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