Posted by George (in Houston) on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 7:06PM :
Just when I'm ready to load up the WDX and go to Pandale, my 2001 H.O Cummins ISB goes belly up on me! Anyone have access to Dodge fault codes? The truck just started sputtering and died. Finally got it started again and it ran ok for a few hours, but it's still throwing fault codes from the Engine Controller. Called Cummins and they said the codes I'm getting aren't Cummins codes but probably Dodge codes. Here's what I can pull up on the Cummins Road Relay 4:
SPN 19456 Active 1
Engine controller
Suspect Parameter 19456
Special Instructions
SPN 34304 Active 5
Engine controller
Suspect Parameter 34304
Unidentified Fail Mode
SPN 34304 Inactive 5
Engine Controller
Suspect Parameter 34304
Abnormal Frequency / Pulse
PID 233 Inactive 1
Engine Controller
Parameter ID #233
Abnormal Frequency / Pulse
PID 233 Inactive 5
Engine Controller
Parameter ID #233
Unidentified Failure Mode
Any help would be appreciated guys! Everything I check with the fuel system looks good. Now I'm thinking one of those sensors or one of the engine controllers is flaky. Thanks for reading this long post and offering any ideas!
George (in Houston)
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