Posted by dave on Friday, April 09, 2004 at 10:10AM :
In Reply to: Urban Wafare posted by Robert Dabkowski on Friday, April 09, 2004 at 1:09AM :
I live in a suburb of Dallas, TX.. I got a buddy living the next town over.
He has a very nicely restored m38a1, registered and insured. In texas, if its a
former military vehicle, it can be licensed and registered with NO TAGS. Just the number on the hood is the trucks registration.
So, no window registration stickers and NO
need for inspection.
We was doing a full brake job on the jeep one weekend, in his back driveway.
(Oh, we all have back alleys, no on street
access from the front yard in most neighborhoods here)
His jeep was on blocks for two days while the drums were being turned.
He came home to a Policeman standing in his driveay, stating that he had gotten a complaint from a nieghbor for having a junked vehicle on the propery.
He was given a citation! Of course he cleared it up later, but the F**** hasles we all go thru to enjoy our hobby.
How do you like that!
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