Posted by MoparNorm on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at 3:21PM :
In Reply to: Pledge of Allegiance posted by Paul Cook on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at 11:58AM :
Dear Paul,
I have rarely, if ever, disagreed with anything that you have posted. I have lived through and experienced most of the time frame that you referenced.
History is a wonderful thing, it allows us to review, after the hysterial has passed, where we came from and how we arrived. Senator McCarthy gets a lot of blame for issues that he never participated in. Much of the "hysterial" about communist in our government has subsequently proved to have been accurate. There were, and they did indeed spy on our government and provide both defense, nuclear and internal workings information to the Soviets. Much of this came to light after the fall of the Soviet Union and the opening of KGB files. Many of our top level Ivy League bred advisors to both President Roosevelt and Truman were later proven to be communist agents, including Algier Hist and many others at cabinet level and advisory positions. Senator McCarthy found this shocking, as would many Americans had they also known the truth at that time. Much of the true "hysteria" was generated by the House UnAmerican Activiites Commitee. Please note that Senator McCarthy did not have anything to do with those activities, hence the word House, please note that McCarthy was a Senator, hence the word Senator. Senators have nothing to do with the workings of the House. The witch hunts and hysteria was the result of actions of that chamber, not Senator McCarthy. His name has been unfairly blighted by the left because he exposed them for what they were, traitors to this country. I do not use the word traitor lightly, their actions resulted in the acquisition by the Soviets of the Hydrogen Bomb, and the assasination of dozens if not hundreds of American Operatives inside the Soviet Block.
I would highly recommend that you read the book 'Treason', by Ann Coulter. It is an enlightening, factual account of how Senator McCarthy was used as the whipping boy by the left, and how he continues to be unfairly vilified to this day. Kind of reminds my of how the left has unabridged hatred for our current Commander in Chief.
PS: None of us need a law in order to know that this nation is under God, but we need to look no farther than MTV or the nightly news to see what happens when we forget about God.
Yours Truly,
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