Posted by George (in Houston) on Friday, March 05, 2004 at 7:18AM :
In Reply to: 251 vs 230 front pulley posted by Jan Refle on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 at 9:38PM :
I just finished doing this on my 46WDX. Fairly easy conversion. The pulley and timing chain cover are interchangeable but need to be from the same model engine so the timing marks line up. The front engine mount is different between the two, but you can use either. The rear engine mounts are fine, but you'll need to drill two holes in the cross member for the 251 front engine mount, or two holes in the frame if you choose to use the 230 timing chain cover and front engine mount. The radiator is the toughest part. I never was able to find someone willing to do the tank reversal on my existing radiator so I went with a custom made aluminum radiator that mounts about 3 inches further forward in the stock mount. Put a pressurized overflow tank on the firewall, and a dummy cap on the nose of the truck. Throttle linkage matched up fine, changed to a WM300 clutch pedal, brake pedal, parking and transfer case levers, and the later syncho transmission all at the same time. Feel free to e-mail me if you have more questions. Just be sure to put "WDX" or "Power Wagon" in the subject line or my spam filter might block your e-mail.
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