Posted by MoparNorm on Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 10:10AM :
In Reply to: Re: My Pole Barn Progress posted by Will (in MI) on Sunday, February 29, 2004 at 9:33PM :
Yes it is a Pole Barn, built with post and beam techniques, I think my Post and Beam description was to answer someones' question on the last forum. Didn't mean to cast questions about the quality or style, it looks good!
As far as east vs. west, most barns in the East and New England are built with post and beam construction and do not have foundations in the traditional sense of the word. Some wood or rock fill and that is about it, but it does differ from the pole barn in the fact that the poles are inbedded into the ground, while post and beam structures are laid upon the surface or upon an foundation. You can build a post and beam in CA, ...up until 100 sq. ft. After that, in CA and ALL siesmic zones any structure must have an engineered foundation to resist siemic activity.