Re: That should be # 2 cylinder has low comp

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Posted by Bill Gibson on Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 8:39AM :

In Reply to: That should be # 2 cylinder has low comp posted by OTM mike (in Idaho) on Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 6:51AM :

Mike I checked the coolent,oil and did not find eny thing that would indacate a head gaskit problem, although the comp. in # one cylinder was about 143 psi after a recheck, could the gaskit be blowen just bewteen one and two?? Also did a vac. check for the hell of it and it should up good steady at 19.5 to me thats ok. right? I am going to do a wet check this A.M. and see what that tells me. meny thanks for the come back. Bill

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