Posted by Morpar on June 10, 1999 at 12:18:17:
In Reply to: PAUL ! REREAD THE POST ! PAY ATTENTION ! posted by R.Davis on June 09, 1999 at 17:17:55:
I don't think it was your objection to the idea which generated so much of a response, it was the way in which you responded that ruffled feathers! Calling someone you don't know a "COMMIE" for agreeing is fairly strong language to some of us. A simpler, much more civil, "NO, I don't care for that idea due to concerns of my personal privacy." would have gone over much better than verbbally degrading everyone who didn't agree with your point of view. Calling others names only weakened your case, and made it sound as though you want everyone else to follow your beliefs, that we should all be the same, which in fact is the basic idea of Communism! What does that say to you? Perhaps to think a little bit longer before you fire off a nasty-gram I hope!