Posted by Mark on May 31, 1999 at 15:46:26:
Well, I was having so much trouble with the old master cylinder that I decided to not put it back on, rather, I would move up the project of upgrading
to the dual reservoire MC (I ordered the new T-block, which will be in middle of the week).
I have removed the old MC (and went ahead and took it apart, cleaned and buffed the cylinder with crocus cloth, and rebuilt it with a kit I happened to
have on hand Who knows, I may need it again). I checked the mounting plate (to make sure they were the same), and at that point realized that the
only difference was that the old plate was drilled and tapped, at about 11 and 5 o'clock, to allow for the mounting of the piston retaining bracket, which
also serve4s as a mount for the dust boot. The new, dual reservoire MC is configured differently. Instead of the retaining bracket, the piston is held
in with an internal snap ring. So, how does one mount a dust boot? There's probably a separate part number and source for one. Anyone have an idea
what it might be? Also, is the free travel adjustment for the dual reservoire MC the same as that for the single reservoire, as described in the Dodge
Technical Service Manual? It calls for 1/16" of push rod free travel, before bottoming out on the MC piston.
v/r Mark