Posted by Joe Cimoch on May 22, 1999 at 03:31:30:
Welcome to the 13th episode of the Dodge Power Wagon Forum.
There have been 12 previous forums, averaging about 1,000 messages per forum.
The messages are for the most part "Power Wagon" related, and we'll try to keep it that way. Power Wagon discussion, ads, events, books, articles, experiences are all topics here.
Enjoy the forum, visit often!
Exerpt from the book Qataban and Sheba by Wendell Phillips 1955:
Wendell explaining how he acquired a fleet of Power Wagon for the expedition:
"Then came the expedition to Mount Sinai and South Arabia, under the auspices of my newly formed American Foundation for the Study of Man, whose board of directors was made up primarily of men who had aided so greatly in getting the African work started. But I was faced once more with the task of obtaining funds and equipment for several large-scale projects.
Armed with an introduction from Pan American's Sam Pryor, who always knowsthe right people at the right time, I invaded the Detroit office of K.T. Keller, President of the Chrysler Corporation. In my mind at the time was our need for ten Dodge Power Wagons, with twelve as the ideal at which to aim. This was, however, after I met the renowned K.T. Keller, who, after briefly listening to my plans, with all of its research posssibilities, phoned L.L. (Tex) Colbert, then president of the Dodge Division of Chrysler (now president of Chrysler). I'll never forget K.T. words, "Say, Tex, thought you'd be interested to know that you just gave away fifteen Dodge Power Wagons."....Joe Berr, soon put together a magnificent fleet of Power Wagons for us, and I can safely say that no similar expedition has ever been supplied with field transport which could equal ours."